Saturday, August 28, 2010

13 June 2010 report from WAY out there

And I feel saying that is justified because the only non-thai I saw all day was one Brit, and, as they say, Mad dogs and Englishmen... 
We did something über-Thai: spent a sunday on one of the many "9 temple tour" day trips. Just pick your province, and off you go. At the bus station dedicated to this activity the different bus routes compete for your business. We opted for Lopburi, which also includes the adjacent Ang Thong (justly renowned for having nothing to do) and Saraburi, where we made our last stops including dinner.
In case you wonder how many non-thai would make this trip, let me say that everywhere we stopped were strictly old Thai style restrooms (good luck ladies, and gents hope you don't have to do number 2).  Travel was in a bus with good AC and all the water you could drink, but otherwise only passably comfortable.  The crew consisted of the driver, and a male & female host. The male was quite a riot, since everyone was laughing, but I couldn't understand much of what he said. He must have run out of Red Bull,because we didn"t hear a peep out of him after lunch.
The routine is stop at a temple, look around and pay respects, and then off to the next place. It could be 20-45 minutes. Some temples were gems; some were "please bring us some pilgrims". In every case we were warmly received and it was pretty nice.
The three highlights were the ubiquitous monkeys in Lopburi, the fantastic peacocks at wat tong pu (I think), and the famous wat pabat in Saraburi, where I discovered that Englishmen (and at least one gringo) do go out in the midday sun.
For those of you on FB, I'll upload fotos as soon as I can. Eventually I'll get them on Kodakgallery for you footdraggers.
Enough Blackberry thumbing for now. 

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